Making Melody

Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.*

Strings ‘n Things – The name caught on from the start.

Laid back but purposeful, informal yet structured, Strings ‘n Things soon became a popular Saturday evening destination for a handful of future chemists and engineers. Here at week’s end, they could catch a two-hour reprieve from Keplinger Lab.

Having learned to play guitar on a used flat top my dad picked up for nine dollars back in the 50s, an idea had sprung to mind. What if an unobtrusive spot on campus were dedicated as a banjo, violin or guitar venue for the music-inclined international student open to a bit of hang time with a few American friends?

The curricula would be non-academic in nature. Just a simple, unhurried environment with a fiddler or ‘picker’ or two in a fun, intercultural setting. Friends Art and Leah Christie had begun serving in the area with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Reaching out to Art, an accomplished guitarist, was an easy call to make.  Enthused over the Strings ‘n Things concept Art made his way week after week to the Wesley building.

. His musical talent and gentle, relational disposition formed the perfect blend.

The Wesley clock struck Seven. Students descended the steps to the basement, arriving at random times, no one keeping track.

When, after a few minutes the soft buzz of introductions and chitchat trailed off, I gestured to some folding chairs and students settled in.

“Hey, we are glad you all could make it. Before we start talking instruments and so forth, can our friend Art and me take a minute to introduce you to a popular American folk song or two?” With this, out came our guitars.

As Saturday evenings came and went, our Strings ‘n Things music highlighted a blend of genres. Including biblically-sound yet catchy contemporary pieces. Students from a range of backgrounds, religious and otherwise, sat attentively as lyrics of a hymn were broken down, clarified. Then, drawing out the instruments a random voice called,  “Let the lessons begin!”

©2024 Jerry Lout                                                                                              *Plato


Sweet The Sound

I was not well prepared for it, seeing my father in this state.

Since my last in-person visit with him five months prior, the ugly villain Mesothelioma had altered the physical frame of this good man I called Dad.

The disease, spawned and fueled through years of exposure to asbestos would rob yet another household of yet another industrial craftsman before their time.

I was thankful for the good people of Hospice, seeing to it that Dad’s heart desire would be realized. Of spending his final days under the same roof at home with my mom, his wife of 57 years.

Herself weakened through added hardships of her own, my mother had grown unable to see to Dad’s needs on the off days between Hospice visits.

That large host of adult children whose role ultimately involves the care of an ailing parent comprises a sector of humanity occupying a precious, even sacred, space. Arranging now a mattress and bedding on the carpeted floor alongside Dad’s bed I was entering such a space. Difficult as some moments became, I afterward reflected on the special honor God had truly afforded me.

Music helped.

Taking up a spot on a simple stool at my father’s bedside I settled in with an acoustic guitar. The sessions of strumming and offering up melodies from yesteryear ignited a spark of life all their own. I sensed my dad’s heart being sweetly moved. Even as potent pain meds would escort him again and again to either edge of consciousness, musical pieces themselves introduced to the soul their own unique medicinal properties. Each of his favored set of lyrics – several he had been heard humming during my childhood – were, I prayed, bringing him an added measure of peace.  The Old Rugged Cross – Victory in Jesus – Amazing Grace.

The folks specializing in personality types would classify me as melancholic. Occasionally, sitting perched on the guitar stool, I caught my mind projecting forward. Should the passing of my own closing days be drawn out over a bit of time, someone might think to flavor up the environment, smuggle a little music into the room.

In the company of sacred sounds, dad lay quiet. Soon he would begin bridging the divide, with God. Heaven songs to receive him.

©2023 Jerry Lout

Tooling Up

How does the apprentice of Jesus bring about the shift in his prayer life that he really wants and needs? What raw material can he draw on to grow more a participant than spectator?

It is heartening to know that once anyone – anyone – purposes to advance in the holy enterprise of communing with the Almighty, the Lord himself supplies the means. Ingredients called for to see it through. He sees to it that whatever helpful tool, whatever effective resource is needed, it’s there in easy reach.

Any field of human endeavor that results in life-enriching expression does, of course, call for tools.

Great soul-stirring music – whether gentle and melodic (think Bach) or thundering and strident (think Beethoven) – comes to us because of ‘means’. Sheet music, for instance, helps a good bit!

For a long while, especially in the earlier years, I struggled with what to pray. And how to pray as well, with meaning or effectiveness. It was a welcome day when simple tools (helps) got brought to my attention. I confess I felt a bit foolish having passed over some elementary resources that had been available all along. They simply had not registered on my radar. They were also, most likely, being broadcast in lesser measure to the family of faith than today. Thankfully, that is changing.

Opening my Bible (or Bible app) nowadays, I sense a permission in spending time lingering in just one of the many Psalms, returning to it day after day. This grand book of scripture – a prayer book all its own – has proven a treasured onramp (even a camping spot) for the rhythmic set-aside times with God.

Sitting in stillness, welcoming awareness of God’s presence, I can now borrow from the precise language of the man-after-God’s-heart-worshipper himself. Soon it comes to me that I – employing the tools of the Shepherd-king’s language – am worshipping and petitioning out of the wellspring of my interior soul. How encouraging. Lifegiving. Faith has stirred wakefulness – my prayer life made richer in assurance and trust – in boldness and joy.

This by simply lifting the latch and opening the lid of an ancient toolbox: The Book of Psalms.

©2023 Jerry Lout