“So, Terry, I have a question.”
Giving his new student friend a short tour of the city, Terry had pulled into the parking lot of a place of worship. The sign out front read Believers Church.
“Sure, Ahmed, what’s your question”, Terry responded.
“Well, this is Believers Church”, Ahmed began. “So, is there also a ‘Non-believers’ church?”
Cross-cultural work often means coming upon unforeseen (and amusing at times) conversation starters. Smiling, Terry praised his friend’s deductive skills in Logic.
Once on a week-day, I invited a student who hailed from the Mediterranean region, to accompany me to a funeral service.
Muhammed and I had been meeting weekly for English conversation sessions. On this date the timing collided with my planned visit to the memorial service of a friend who had passed. Unacquainted with Christian funeral services Muhammed, readily accepted my invitation as a new cultural experience.
The service was simple yet moving with congregational singing included. The lyrics of one particular piece caught Muhammed’s attention.
Crossing the church parking lot afterwards, I asked his thoughts of the service. He replied in a sincere tone.
“I enjoyed it”, he said, adding, “I especially liked that one song.”
Noting the music piece, I told myself to get a digital copy off to him. He beat me to it!
Searching online, Muhammad was soon listening to renditions presented by a range of artists. Reflecting afresh on the themes highlighted in the song, I smiled a thank you to heaven. Through lines immersed in gentle rhythm, the gospel of Christ* was getting heralded.
“He came from heaven to earth to show the way; from the earth to the cross my debt to pay; from the cross to the grave; from the grave to the sky. Lord, I lift your name on high”.
©2024 Jerry Lout *1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Very MUCH so.
If you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him. You find Him in the most unexpected places. kw