Taste For Mischief

Crossbreeding a Chihuahua and Miniature Dachshund brings forth a hybrid.

The Chiweenie pup we named Tamu (Sweetie) became ours to the thrill of and by way of our daughter and husband. On most days Tamu proved herself to be a delightful wee companion. Today was not one of those days.

Not long after the tooth-loss drama preceding my unique but successful speaking experience (thanks to a make-it-yourself false tooth kit), I was called to my wife’s side. Ann and I were navigating the early days of her joint replacement. It naturally fell to me as amateur caregiver to offer up some simple service every little while.

When she called for me on this occasion, I happened to be cradling my make-believe front incisor in my right palm. I was set to reinstall it to its assigned spot at the lower front of my open mouth.

“Coming”, I called, heading her direction while momentarily postponing the tooth-insertion task at hand.

A square, glass-topped coffee table sits at the center of our living room. It is an elevated surface I had never witnessed our young Chiweenie visiting. Depositing the homemade denture atop the table, I pivoted and, in short order, filled my wife’s request. Seconds later I was blurting the command, “Tamu, give me that tooth!”

Too late.

Though the enamel-like article didn’t find its way to her throat, the damage to the small denture was done.

To my surprise, this mini-crisis (as with the genuine-tooth’s exit of the previous week) would enjoy a silver lining. To the credit of breakthroughs in plastics research, the properties comprising my artificial, homemade, fashion-it-yourself tooth, gave promise that my full-toothed smile might see another day.

Tamu would surrender her would-be morsel. The traumatized denture would, under my care – including some aggressive sanitizing measures – enjoy a reasonably impressive remake.

Now. To find that dentist.

©2024 Jerry Lout